Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 7, Hospital BR Day 2

So i went for my ultrasound today and got GOOD NEWS! yes thats what i said! (: My cervix somehow overnight went up to 3 cm! almost normal! The dr. thinks that all the contractions i didn't know i was having caused my cervix muscle to weaken and shorten. So the dr. thinks that i will get to go home in a few days, he just wants to make sure that i don't break through the meds and have contractions again. Guessing it will be about 2 more days, and i'll be sent home with contraction medicine, we will see soon enough!

Day 6, Hospital BR Day 1.

i'm new to hospital bed rest as of today. I was new to bed rest only 6 days ago too! that didn't last very long huh? I am 31 weeks today (tues). 3 weeks ago my cervix started out at 2.9 cm, they had me come in a for a re-check a week later and it was 1.6 cm, then they put me on strict at home bed rest. They gave me my steriod shots and I also had an Ffn test done that came back negative! (which is good for 5 more days lol) Then I came back today about a week later and they checked me again and i was .89 cm, he was head down and there was some funneling going on. So they sent me straight upstairs to be admitted. At least i got to pick my room and my nurses have been super nice so far!

Then when i got up here they hooked me up to the monitors and found out that i was contracting every 8-10 min. I told the dr. maybe 1-2 times an hour i thought/felt that i was contracting. Well i have this thing called high pain tolerance, so i had no idea i was even having that many contractions! i could tell more when i had monitors attached to my stomach and i could see them move a little when i would have a contraction! So i got a shot of terb. (had one last week when i went to L&D triage too...thought i was fixed!) I'm on procardia, and something that is similar to motrin but i can only be on it for 72 hours its like a muscle relaxer that clams my uterus, i think i'ts called indocin...which i also found today that i have "irritable uterus" or whatever it's called too! Oh and he's head down now, not breach anymore, just in case i do have to deliever soonish!
I find out tomorrow or the next day about how long they think i will stay up here for, one dr. said 5 days, but my other dr. sounded like till i was 34 weeks...Although most of them are estimating that i will deliever close to 34 weeks (dunno how they make those guesses :-/)

So here i sit at about midnight, bored, not tired, missing my dogs and husband, and MY FOOD! lol I think I'll go to sleep soon since i'll be waking up for meds and another ultrasound to see how big he is getting in 6 hours! (trying to get rid of this headache too...ugh meds!)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bed Rest Day #3

Okay so I know I said I wasn't going to update this thing everyday, but I was just so happy today that I had to write a quick note! Matt came over and brought some dinner for us, yum! Then Katie surprised me with some mcflurry's!! Becky and Jenn also came over, as well as TJ and they all helped take all of the baby clothes out of the nursery and take all of the tags off and fold the clothes for great-grandma to wash for me. They also put some stuff away for me and put some baby stuff together. I felt a little like a drill sergeant telling them what to do while just sitting there and pointing lol (: Can't wait for some more visitors tomorrow!

p.s. only had a few braxton hicks contractions during the morning hours, and actually slept more than 5 hours!! (: although now it's after 1am and I am so not even close to being tired :( ugh.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bed Rest #2, again!

So I just got back from the hospital. At 4:45pm I started having contractions, pretty sure they were just braxton hicks, but they were every 15 min. then they kind of settle down, but then at about 7:30 i was having them every 4-10 min, even after i drank a big glass of water and got up to change positions and emptied my bladder. So I went in and got another one of those terbutiline (not sure how to spell it) shots. Which worked right away, and then i was sent home with some antibiotics just in case I have an infection (those can cause contractions). So if they start up again I have to go back, hopefully not! Hopefully I can make it until monday at my ultrasound! Good thing the mother in law lives right around the corner so she came and brought me to the hospital. My mom met me there. My mom came back in the room with me, because we all know how miss kim is and was feeling a little quisy! But I'm home now and feeling just fine! I know that my muscles have to practice having contractions, but when they last for 4 hours and get closer, I'm not sure how much I like that! Keep praying!

Bed Rest #2

So my Ffn test came back negative! so that should buy us 7-10 days, hopefully 14! next u/s is on monday, if my cervix shortens more i might be hospitalized upside down! well the end of my bed will be elevated way above my head. My mom said she was going to laugh at me if that happened, so let's hope not! haha. if not just sticking to bedrest for us!

Bed Rest Day #1

So i went in for my updated u/s today, the first u/s tech mislead me and made me i think i was 3 cm dialated, which i know a lot of women can do that for weeks, so i wasn't too worried...I didnt ask a lot of questions cause i was a little stunned. Then we went back today and actually i was 2.9 cm shortened, and it went down in 7 days to 1.6, which is worse! :( So i got put on complete bedrest...only getting up to pee, shower, and make quick meals. Feel bad for hubby he's gotta do a lot now! :( So they also gave a me a steriod shot for his lungs today, and i'll get a second one tomorrow. I also am getting a fetal fibronectin done...for those of you that don't know...fibronectin is the "glue" that holds the sac to the uterin wall. they swab to see if it is leaking (couldn't get it done today because they did an internal u/s and that could give me a false positive). if it comes back negative then it pretty much means i most likely won't go in to labor in the next 7-10 days, which is GOOD! if it comes back positive, (this i read somewhere, can't remember and dont know how accurate it is) but there is a 68% chance i could deliver within in the next 2 weeks. If it comes back positive also there is a chance they would admit me to watch me and be ready to stop labor for as long as possible if that were to occur. i have been having contractions daily :( SO we will see what happens, they said i would have the results back in a few hours, gonna be sitting around going crazy tomorrow!! hopefully it's negative and i just get to be bored for 2 weeks till my next fetal fibronectin test!